“Before I joined the Project, the only thing I had was school. I’m an only child and I was alone a lot. At PS111, there were no sports or dancing or anything, and I was bored. I was also having trouble writing in English class. Right when I started at the Project, overnight, like that same year, my writing and my grades got so much better.” —Shirley went on to graduate from Harvard University.


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The Ron Black Memorial Scholarship Fund

In 1995, The Ron Black Memorial Scholarship Fund was established by Project Founder Willie Reale as a means of lending one last helping hand as the children step out into a larger world. The Fund gives small grants to any of our teens who is going on to continue their education beyond high school. An endowment for the Fund was begun in 2000 through a grant by the CAP Foundation and from Lloyd’s Bank.

The Henry and Gloria Jacobs Scholarship

An annual partial scholarship of $20,000 to the University of Michigan for qualified alumni of New York’s The 52nd Street Project. The Henry and Gloria Jacobs Scholarship at Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts will support qualified undergraduate students who demonstrate high academic merit and financial need. Scholarships will be awarded with a preference to qualified alumni of The 52nd Street Project. If no such student is available, the scholarship will be awarded to a deserving student from New York City.

Henry and Gloria Jacobs are Holocaust survivors who came to the United States as refugees, yet had high hopes and dreams for their family. Through hard work and perseverance, they were able to send their son to one of the country’s premier universities, the University of Michigan. Today, Sy Jacobs, their son, thanks and honors his parents with this scholarship, in the hopes of helping someone of limited means get the same great education.

"Before I started at The Project, I was a big bully with no focus. I basically didn’t know how to sit straight, or get a hold of life. I had a real tough time listening. I was lost. I was shy toward girls. After The Project, my focus levels went up. Every level of my life went up. I learned to interact with people. I got to grasp what the meaning of life was. It opened my mind to another world. One not filled with violence but filled with love. It gave me a love of education and a love for meeting new faces and new things. I built some pretty strong bonds that I wouldn’t have been able to do with my previous knowledge." —Today, Noel attends Nyack College.
THE 52ND STREET PROJECT 789 10th Avenue New York, NY 10019 | 212.333.5252
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